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The Financial Reporting Implications of COVID-19

With the recent and rapid development of the coronavirus outbreak, many

countries have required entities to limit or suspend business operations and

implemented travel restrictions and quarantine measures. These measures and

policies have significantly disrupted (or are expected to disrupt) the activities

of many entities. Disruptions are more immediate and pronounced in

certain industries such as tourism, hospitality, transportation, retail, and

entertainment, while there are also anticipated knock-on effects on other

sectors such as manufacturing and the financial sector. As the outbreak

continues to progress and evolve, it is challenging at this juncture, to predict

the full extent and duration of its business and economic impact. Consequently,

these circumstances may present entities with challenges when preparing their

IFRS financial statements.

During the next few weeks, we will be discussing in more detail, the financial implications and IFRS consideration when preparing financial statements.

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